"Do what you want - Open Stage"
"Mach is just what you want - Open Stage "- to paraphrase the slogan place on Friday, 25/04/2008 from 20:00 clock the next coffee community of PT in the hall of the House Professor in Lingen instead.
That evening uses Lusinja Czesnik the coffee community as a framework for their final project of their voluntary social year in the field of culture (FSJK) on Theatre Education Centre Emsländischen landscape eV in Lingen.
After the successful 'Poetry Slam' in December, we are pleased this time not only to the poets among you, but to brave all genres.
To all the secret female poets and storytellers, chamber musicians and singers, jugglers, showmen and amateur divers: Show us fine cabaret and everything onto the stage and wants to be. So get ready to make and prepare to face: Whether comedy, cabaret, storytelling, dancing, singing, poetry, juggling, favorite poems, acrobatics, magic, dog training, knitting made easy ... Whether comical or trivial, whether entertaining or informative, whether stolen or homemade, if 8 years old and already 88, whether alone, a couple or with the Groβfamilie. A maximum of 12 ½ minutes, anyone can come on stage, what he, she or it wants.
We have the microphones, the stage, the light - their idea and what it takes.
Announces you must first under kaffeekommune@googlemail.com or 0174/6754309 (Lusinja Czesnik). Of course, for you, then the free entry and a drink is included.
We welcome all guests from 20 clock welcome - 21 clock going to the headlamps and the show begins! Admission is four, reduced 2 €.