Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bionicle Tuma Building Instructions

Fanny wooden leg

of Kurt Bartsch


"The destruction of the city was a done deal." This movement opens the novel Fanny wooden leg, the novel about a girl that is really Fanny Sage, and between March 1945 and winter of 1947 takes place in Berlin. Fanny's side in her friend Charlotte - a little older than she - a faithful soul, the only person she has left. And four boys from the neighborhood playmates of old, to become child soldiers, the fierce determination to defend what honor and loyalty commanded them: the country, the girls, the illusion.

This is one of the books, which one puts away again when you have finished reading it. Kurt Bartsch tells a moving story without being maudlin. The spelling changes from clear, concise descriptions of poetic images, rapidly compressed to slowness. A really great novel, written moving and fantastic. Highly recommended.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Coconut Milk Equivalent To Coconut Oil


The fire eisgesäumte lips.
Earth harr end promise.
The skinny sipping water. The air is a
incurable revenge.

Along the way drunken yesterday.
In his hand an empty hour.
The red moon, and his sisters
flog a scary moment.

a flashback and a dull whisper. The darkness
inflates their nostrils.
She sucks me piercingly. You remain silent and

: The Winter's child.
exempt wind in your hair and am good

© 2009 Simone wedge