Thursday, December 24, 2009

Driving Licence For Scooter In The Netherlands

Merry Christmas

Christmas is indeed always associated with stress. Everything should be especially nice. The tree must be decorated, the presents are bought. But between all the stress, one should not forget the things that make the spirit of Christmas really is, even if - like me - is not necessarily religious. These are very small things, like calling an old friend you have lost sight of, or just to say thank you to those who are always there for when you need them and very unselfish. For that is but what it really is Christmas. I wish

you all a Merry Christmas and a great party among the people you love.



for M.

It was dusk and glow in the windows, lights.
soon falls the day and night spreads in the country.
A cold wind bites her feverish faces.
And all the world seems ready for Christmas.

My heart beats softly, but persistently, to me seconds.
Your eyes show me the way out of the past.
Every word and all of the completed hours are
me gifts for eternity. The time

of the search is over: now begins to find.
do you manage to retain confidence in my braid
and stick a plaster on the toe grazed.
blow once more and then it no longer hurts.

And like a splintering ice crystals on my window sill,
have you, healthy and loved with a smile, tell me.

© Simone wedge 12.24.2009


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