Monday, June 28, 2010

Wedding Reply Cards Vegetarian Option

chains - [TAG]

I was tagged by the lovely Barbara aka xMissOctavia and do with you:)

First, the rule

* I'm starting, and you add a question . * Tag
then two other people.
* Please only attend on that day, if you are tagged. Add
* Always in the day these rules, so that others are always aware.
* is modified please anything, so not everything gets mixed up.
* Add at the end, who you tag and who made this day even.

first Do you use powder?
Yes Manhattan Clear Face Powder Compact in 70 vanilla.

second Chewing you fingernails?

third What color is your iPod?
transparent;) (Have not)

4th What size shoe do you have?

5th Can you concentrate better with glucose tablets or chewing gum?
In exams I've always taken glucose ... because you simply have to concentrate very long time ... otherwise I prefer chewing gum.

6th What is childish to you?
I have to sleep to always have my giant teddy bear while xD

7th Do you wear boxer shorts?
Yes, the most comfortable sleep for what it is

8th Are you long for whom evil, or forgive you fast?
I forgive pretty quickly .. but do not forget what happened ... and if it comes again ne stupid action, I can be really bad ^ ^

9th The most beautiful month of the year?
April, May ... I just love the spring.

10th Have you ever been to London?
Unfortunately no, but my roommate was there recently on track driving.

11.What is your favorite kind of chocolate?
Ritter Sport Yogurt * yummi *

12th What is your favorite color combo / favorite color?
favorite color: green
favorite color combinations: navy blue / gold, black / white

13th Nude or Gaudy? lips
total rather simple nude ... AMU with pink:)

14th How quickly did you read your last book anyway? Forced
so in a few days, cause I needed for Abi;)

15th Rain or shine? Both
great ...

16th Ever get the feeling that someone you hot coffee over her head tilt need to not burst with anger?

17th Which movie character is most like you?
That reminds me of nothing so spontaneous an ...

18th What do you think about online shopping?
Find ich super convenient, I do quite often.

19th What was your biggest makeup faux pas?
Generally too much of everything so with 13-14. True to the motto "more is better": D * * urgs

20th Have you ever had a bad experience with an animal? If so, you have a phobia since then?
I'll have a bee stung on the shoulder .. Ouch! But I have a phobia why not ^ ^

21st What cultivate hitherto secret obsession with you?
Heaps of grapefruit and my Youtube addiction ^ ^

22nd Coffee or tea?

23rd Which of cookies you like enough to eat?
Sun Waffelkrams

24th What's your favorite perfume (currently)?
Miss Dior "Cherie" ... simply divine fragrance of this *-*

25th When were you the last time at the zoo?
For too long ago ...

26th What did you do today before?
shopping, chill in the sun, the lake: participated)

Was: Hanna - Antonia - JuJu - Charly - Lisa - Shiku -
Zartbeseitet - Dunkelgefunkel - Miau Smiles - Vorstadtcinderella - Magi - TheChikarina - IpaintMyWorld - Ms Cherry bird - Luuuina - MrsSuja - xMissOctavia - lauripauri90

I Tagge Alicia and Nadine:) Your


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do Any Adult Theaters In Dallas Have Glory Holes

skin type detection and care

Hello my friends!

As in my last video says, I was last Monday, the cosmetic-testing model for a girlfriend. There I learned a lot and would like to pass this knowledge on to you!

skin type identification:
normal / combination skin: T-zone, slightly oily and large pores, cheeks normal
Dry skin: uniformly fine pores and dry
Oily skin: large pores the most part, and oily, blemish prone (high sebum excretion)

sensitivity of the skin :
be identified by the response to mechanical stimuli with a spatula or similar DPress crosses on décolleté, cheeks and forehead. When the cross disappears quickly you're insensitive . The cross is longer look ye sensitive . Then you soltet principle to waive products with alcohol.

normal / combination skin: Cleansing Milk (opens pores), toners (closes the pores)
Morning: Moisturizing Day Cream
Evening: Regenerating creaming with 20% fat
Dry skin: cleansing foam, face lotion (alcohol, which dries in addition off)
Morning: Day Cream with 10% fat
Evening: Regenerating creaming with 20% fat
Oily skin: Cleansing Gel (degreasing), tonic (with alcohol, the mat and has an antibacterial effect)
Morning: Firming day cream
Evening: Regenerating night cream, anti-bacterial, low fat

My skin type is normal / combination skin prone to sensitivity. Accordingly, I use the following products:

I hope I have the one or from others to do something smarter:) Your


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pot Light Spacing In A 10' Ceiling

flea market:)

Hello my friends! :)
I've sorted out some clothes in the last time!
If you want to have something or have questions, write me! I put in every thing even bought a pair of earrings or a necklace:) Just click
on an image to view things in big!
-exchange is not possible
-payment in advance (bank transfer)
-come, first serve;)
Have fun browsing!

your Laura

Ps: Let me know if you want to see more! ;)

Description: blue / white striped shirt
Brand: H & M
size: 34
Price: 2,50 € + shipping

Description: Blue with Spagettitop Paliettenträgern

Brand: Jennifer Taylor
Size: S
Price: 2 € + shipping

Description: black shirt with white music print

Brand: Only
size: xs
Price: 5 € + shipping

Description: gray / white Animal Print Top

Brand: H & M
size: 34
Price: 1,50 € + shipping

Description: Short Jeans Dungarees / Shorts

Brand: Broadway
size: xs
Price: 5 € + shipping * reserved *

Description: Jeans Shorts

Brand: Wrangler
size: 28
Price: 5 € + shipping

Description: Transition Jacket

Brand: Only
size: 36
Price: 6 € + shipping