Monday, December 13, 2010

Descargar Pelicula/la Braga Metalica

Tasks for English

Task + Internship

1) What are your expectations form you intership ?

I can collect a lot of experience.I was able to serve customer.
I got a lot of insight to see what would await me in this job.
I have the opinion that this job I could do in the future.

2) What did you learn during the internship ?

During the intership i learned as i have to talk to customers on the place.
I learned about what changes are for the back or the chest.

3) What did you like or dislike about the internship ?

I liked about my internship that the hours were so different.
I got to say no negative things.

4) Would you like to have this job? As of that

August 1, 2011, I have an education, I am very happy about.


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