Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hot To Take Apart A Polaroid Camera Safely

When it's all about carbon ...

is ... sometimes a less beautiful thing out of it. Then people have to leave their houses or apartments and the nature suffers the same exploitation. Responsible culprit: carbon ...
... (or the companies that generate power with their help). Almost half of Germany's electricity is generated by the use of lignite and coal. That does not only powerful, but it is also so coal currently plays an important role, as no doubt in pucto security of supply. When I see but a consequence of these supposedly public-interest performance live and in color, I wonder whether the price is too high. Not to mention huge CO2 emissions and environmental damage caused quite! * Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to an exemplary ghost town somewhere in North Rhine between Cologne and Aachen. Bricked up windows and doors, lonely roads, abandoned family farms, which are made in the near future to the ground are seeing here in the lead role ...

* see: and as a contrast , where one The coal, of course, driven by purely economic interests, of talking and the word "responsibility" very self-serving interpretation.


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